Free guided Meditation/Savasana

Need an excuse to sit/lie down for 15 mins? Find my free guided meditation/savasana using the link below! No previous meditation experience required :)

For when you've had a super stressful day, or just love the idea and benefits of meditation.

For many of us this is a very stressful time. There is a lot we can't do right now, loved ones we are unable to visit, events we cannot attend, and places we are not allowed to travel - it's all very easily overwhelming! Use this meditation to gently remind yourself of all the wonderful things, big or small, we already have in this moment to be grateful for.

Learning to enjoy this unique moment in time and practicing gratitude to ourselves with mindfulness, meditation, and a body scan to bring you complete relaxation.

Find this meditation here (audio only - 15 mins)

Want to learn more about the benefits of meditation? Feel free to ask me questions or keep your eyes peeled for my next blog post coming soon.